An innovative stator demonstrator utilising a novel material

SWD AG is developing a pioneering stator demonstrator in collaboration with RWTH Aachen University and other project partners.

As part of an innovative project, SWD AG has developed and manufactured a pioneering stator demonstrator in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University and other project partners. The project focussed on the use of new, highly developed materials to increase the performance of electric motors.

The principal objective of the project was to present a stator demonstrator and its industrialisation using this novel material. The segmentation and bonding varnish (Backlack) technologies presented by SWD were found to be suitable for enabling the integration of new materials into series production and thus developing pioneering industrialisation solutions. The utilisation of segmentation technology has the effect of reducing the quantity of material employed to a considerable extent.

As a global pioneer of cutting-edge lamination stacks, SWD has developed extensive expertise in the industrialisation of electrical lamination stacks.

The demonstrator was set up under real conditions and the results were documented with images and a film from RWTH Aachen University.

The BPS® manufacturing process, developed by SWD, has already been demonstrated to be effective in large-scale production, with over 15 million segments produced. This represents a significant advantage over currently available technologies. In addition to the aforementioned material savings, the implementation of fully automated production on site represents a significant advancement in the realm of industrialisation.


  • Innovative material tested and used
  • Segmentation reduces material usage
  • Concept can be industrialised
  • Process used millions of times


As part of the product development process, it is necessary to test the new materials with regard to their punchability and industrialisability. A reduction in the amount of high-quality material used can be achieved through segmentation. This makes it possible to separate the production of the stator and the rotor. The application of this technology and the demonstration of industrialisation were shown using this demonstrator.


SWD is a leading global specialist in the industrialisation, segmentation and the fully automated BPS® process for series production. The demonstrator, which was designed as a full stator, was segmented and coated with bonding varnish (Backlack). The aforementioned processes permitted the construction of a demonstrator with a manageable amount of effort and the demonstration of industrialisation.


The demonstrator proves that the novel materials and manufacturing techniques developed by SWD, including bonding varnish (Backlack) and segmentation, are not only viable but also suitable for large-scale production. The prototype functioned without issue, thereby demonstrating SWD’s innovative strength and technological leadership. The path to series production is thus established and may be traversed at any time.

What innovation process can we implement for you?

We are pleased to be your partner in the presentation, optimisation and industrialisation of new technologies and materials. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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